Orange Films & Knuckelhead, “Bayer Nemo’s Garden” – TV Documentary

This is Nemo’s Garden, it’s an underwater farm created by the Ocean Reef Group. The project was started as an experiment as the owner’s crops were suffering in cold weather. Nemo’s Garden utilizes the near constant temperature of the sea to make growing plants easier.

The garden was first set up in 2013 just off the coast of Noli, Italy. While the original experiments were washed away in a storm, a more permanent structure was built shortly after.

Nemo’s Garden is connected to a control tower on the shore that monitors each biosphere and provides power. Ocean Reef Group also produce smaller biospheres that can be placed inside aquarium.

Service Produced by Identical Pictures in Mauritius, February 2018.

Behind the Scenes of “Bayer Nemo’s Garden”.